Posts tagged “logic

The Stone-Cold Logic of a Past-Life Halibut

It’s been said that epiphanies don’t come to those who have all the answers, but to those who haven’t a clue.


Immediately following a round of ear drops, Sister Madly attempted to navigate through the whole of her itty-bitty apartment with her head tilted to the side. It was at that moment that Sister Madly had an epiphany of her own: she would never make it as a halibut.

To be fair, it’s not that she has spent her idle hours wondering what life would be like as a halibut; sometimes the universe just comes along and gives you the answer to a question you never thought to ask.

And clearly the halibut lifestyle is out of her league.

You see, halibut swim upright during the early stages of life; but as juveniles they begin swimming sideways, which cannot be a pleasant way to exist. Sister Madly has no idea how halibut make it through their posh nautical bungalows without getting lightheaded or crashing into the doorframe, but she gives them kudos for doing so.


Yet there is plenty to envy in the life of a halibut: swimming about with no inhibitions, no politics, no leafy greens on the menu. No taxes. No jury duty. No Jehovah Witnesses pounding on the door at 8 in the morning- nothing but that sweet, deep-sea life of mayhem, grand debauchery, and seahorses.

It suddenly occurred to her that she knew an awful lot about the life of a halibut without ever having encountered the fish in its natural habitat, much less befriending one. Such insider knowledge could only be explained by having been a halibut in a past life.

Not doubt these fishy reflections would have gone by the wayside had she not encountered the Professors later at the pub, where a discussion broke out on whether or not Sister Madly had knitted a certain scarf (which she certainly did not.*) The interrogation became so intense that Sister Madly hardly noticed the moment all the pitiless PhD’s agreed on splitting a Fish Sandwich- which turned out to be halibut.

* Neither does she crochet, sew, or do whatever it is that one does with a loom.


Now on any given day, Sister Madly can be found treading somewhere between stone-cold logic and utter psychosis, but that night, she was flirting with the point of no return. Never had she been so tortured over a Sandwich- and not from a ethical viewpoint, which could be forgiven, but that of a hapless soul fearing that she may be noshing upon her own brethren like some aquatic Hannibal Lecter!

So she discussed the matter amongst herself:

It’s just a sandwich, Sister Madly.
~ Not just any sandwich- a halibut sandwich.

A dead halibut, so what does it matter?
~ But it does matter! What if this filet had once been her best friend? Or one of her descendents? Seriously, this is a deep-fried nibble dish of everything that is wrong with society!


What in tarnation… Do you realize, Sister Madly, that your obsession with a fish is rendering you completely incapable of defending yourself against the grisly accusation of Scarf Knitting? You must not let yourself be thwarted by a sandwich yet again!

“You do realize that you are not actually a halibut, don’t you?”

She may not be a halibut now, Professor, but she may have been in a past life. In fact, the evidence is overwhelming:

Halibut: does not knit.
Sister Madly: does not knit.

Halibut: cannot live without water
Sister Madly: cannot live without water

Halibut: does not speak Swahili
Sister Madly: does not speak Swahili

Halibut: very tasty
Sister Madly: not very tasty *

* Trust her on this one. ‘Bitter’ is her middle name.

Halibut: strange looking
Sister Madly: strange looking


As you can see, Sister Madly fits the criteria of a halibut in 4 of the 5 characteristics listed, which proves that she was a halibut in a past life.* Logic, Professor; stone-cold logic.

* 5 out of 5 would prove that she is one currently.

Naturally, the Professor could not* argue with her reasoning.

* Some would say ‘would not’ but, whatever.

But that didn’t mean the argument was finished.

“Are you quite sure that you didn’t knit this scarf?”

Of course! Halibut don’t knit.

“Neither do wheat threshers.”

You know, you might be on to something there, Professor! Not only to wheat threshers not knit, Sister Madly instinctively knew that, much like herself, wheat threshers have absolutely no desire to learn the skill. Thus the only conclusion to be drawn is that before she was reincarnated as a halibut, Sister Madly was first a wheat thresher.

Logic. Stone-cold logic.
